East Cost Bays Methodist Parish

East Coast Bays Parish Auckland

East Cost Bays Methodist Parish

East Coast Bays Parish Auckland

East Cost Bays Methodist Parish

We are a warm and inclusive community where everyone is welcome and feels a sense of belonging.
Our values are best expressed in the following words attributed to John Wesley:

Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
In all the places you can
At all the times you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can


Visit Website

Email Us at parishminister@trinitymethodist.org.nz 


Opoho Presbyterian Church

Opoho Church Dunedin Logo

Opoho Presbyterian Church

Opoho Church Dunedin Logo

Opoho Presbyterian Church

Opoho Presbyterian Church is a friendly, multigenerational church, in the suburb of Opoho above the Botanic Gardens in Dunedin, New Zealand. We welcome all people interested in living an abundant life in God, through following Jesus Christ.​

We embrace and enjoy a diversity of views, always seeking answers and welcoming questions.
We meet on Sundays at 10 and at other times. Come and join us!

Visit Website

Email Us at opohominister@gmail.com


St John’s Golden Co-operating Church

St John's Golden Co-operating church

St John’s Golden Co-operating Church

St John's Golden Co-operating church

St John’s Golden Co-operating Church

Saint John’s is a church centre for the community. Its vision is to be a welcoming place for many diverse people who make up the North Whangarei community. It is a place where people of all genders and sexual orientations are treated equally.

Saint John’s is the meeting place of Saint John’s Cooperating Church, a progressive church based in the Methodist and Presbyterian traditions.


Visit Website

Email Us at goldenchurch@whangarei.org.nz


Nelson Tasman Methodist

Stoke Church Nelson

Nelson Tasman Methodist

Stoke Church Nelson

Nelson Tasman Methodist

We are Christ focused and community centred.
We are a welcoming and inclusive church community, where everyone is embraced with open arms regardless of their background or beliefs.

Visit Website

Email Us at ntmparish@gmail.com


St Stephen’s Anglican Church Onerahi

St Stephens Anglican Church Onerahi

St Stephen’s Anglican Church Onerahi

St Stephens Anglican Church Onerahi

St Stephen’s Anglican Church Onerahi

St Stephen’s is a progressive Anglican Church who believe that we are all children of God. People of all gender identities , sexual orientations, races, cultures and abilities are invited to fully participate in worship and ministry. We have open communion – the communion table is Christ’s table, not ours, and Christ placed no restrictions on who could eat with him.

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Wesley Methodist Church

Wesley Tauranga

Wesley Methodist Church

Wesley Tauranga

Wesley Methodist Church

We strive to be the church. Protect the environment. Care for the poor. Forgive often. Reject racism. Fight for the powerless. Share earthly and spiritual resources. Embrace diversity. Love God. Be a good LGBTQ+ ally. Enjoy this life.

Visit Website

Find us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/WBOPmethodist
