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17 - 19 MARCH 2023



3.45pm Prayer Meeting

4:00pm Registration and Venue ready

4:30pm Registration Open // Hospitality

6:30pm Welcome // Session 1

9:30pm Evening Activities


8:30am Doors Open // Coffee

9:00am Session 2

10:30am Morning Tea // Break

11:00am Workshops

12:30pm Lunch

1:30pm Workshops

3:00pm Afternoon Tea // Break

3:30pm Workshops

5:00pm Break

6:00pm Dinner

7:00pm Session 3

9:30pm Evening Activities // Pride Dance Party


10:00am Pride Service with Durham Street Methodist

12:00pm Combined Lunch

1:30pm Workshops

3:00pm Afternoon Tea // Break

4:00pm Session 5 (Final)

5:30pm Conference Ends


Te Ao Māori – being committed to our indigenous whānau

LGBTQ+ MVPFAFF Pasifika – a space to listen and learn for our Pacifica communities

Self-care – caring for yourself, cause how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?

How to have ‘the hard conversations’ with people

The Gift of Queerness – discovering the gift you are to the church, and community

Theology 101 – working out the bible and how to understand it

Theology (Advanced) – go beyond the basics

Sex and Sexuality – deconstructing the boxes and discovering the beauty of intimacy

Parenting Queer Youth – creating a safe and empowering home.

Gender Expansiveness as a Revaluation of God – a place to connect and share with one-another

Becoming a Rainbow Parent – adoption and surrogacy

How the LGBs can be better allies to the T’s – we are not equal until we are all equal

How to ‘come out’ as a church – ministering to the community outside your church

Keeping people in the tent while becoming an affirming church

Being an Ally vs Being a Bystander – understanding the cost of allyship

Worship & liturgy for queer experiences – making worship safe and reflective

Outside of the gender binary, there are several ways to think about gender in the Pasific. Some terms for gender identities used in the Pacific include:

M for Mahu in Tahiti and Hawai’i.
V for Vaka sa lewa lewa in Fiji.
P for Palopa in Papua New Guinea.
F for Fa’afafine in Samoa and American Samoa.
A for Akava’ine in the Cook Islands.
F for Fakaleiti or leiti in the Kingdom of Tonga.
F for Fakafifine in Niue.