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UNFAIR: Christians and the LGBT Question

 Author: John Shore  Category: Apologetics, Theology  Publisher: CreateSpace  Published: June 7, 2013  ISBN: 9781490365886

Shore is one of America’s leading Christian writers on the subject of gay people and Christianity. His essays are widely credited with being central to the sea change in Christian thinking that has occurred on this issue in recent years. UNFAIR offers the best of Shore’s writings on homosexuality and Christians/Christianity, along with heart-wrenching but ultimately inspiring letters from gay people telling what it’s like to grow up, and live today, both gay and Christian. The book’s opening essay, “Taking God at His Word: The Bible and Homosexuality,” is a must-read for anyone seeking clarity on the relationship between the Bible, Christianity, and LGBT people. If you read only one book on this subject, make it this one. (This is the revised and updated edition of Shore’s book, “UNFAIR: Why the ‘Christian’ View of Gays Doesn’t Work.”)

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