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Calling the Rainbow Nation Home

 Author: E. Sundby  Category: Biography & Autobiography  Publisher: iUniverse  Published: August 1, 2005  ISBN: 0595336299

“This book is a journey for truth.”-Samuel Kader Sr., Pastor, Community Gospel Church, Dayton, Ohio, Openly Gay, Openly Christian, Leyland Publications. Am I going to hell because I am gay? Is homosexuality a sin? Should I remain celibate my entire life? If you or someone you love is struggling with these issues, this book is for you. Follow Reverend Elaine Sundby’s journey as she takes us on her personal quest for truth and self-acceptance-a path that eventually led her to enter the ministry. Reverend Sundby was determined to discover God’s plan for her and equally determined to do what was right in the eyes of God, without taking “the easy way out.” Simple to understand, yet rooted in spiritual truth, Calling the Rainbow Nation Home has the potential to heal-to heal the battered soul of the Christians who are struggling to reconcile their homosexuality with their faith, and to heal their relationships with those who love them and want to understand. A new era is just beginning in the gay Christian community, as thousands begin to realize that God loves us all just as we are.

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