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Showing 1-30 of 64 Books

119: the number of words dedicated to bisexuality in the Church of England statement Issues in Human Sexuality. The words...

Biography & Autobiography Jaime Sommers
A Bigger Table

No one likes to eat alone; to approach a table filled with people, only to be told that despite the...

Religion John Pavlovitz
A Brief Guide to Ministry with LGBTQIA Youth

Despite our best efforts to create welcoming and affirming congregations, the reality is that church can still be a harmful...

Religion Cody J. Sanders
A Letter to My Congregation, Second Edition

"A breakthrough work coming from the heart of evangelical Christianity," writes theologian David Gushee. "Wilson shows how God has led...

Religion Ken Wilson
A Life of Unlearning

A life of denial, exorcisms, gay conversion therapy and 16 years of marriage, crashed to a humiliating end for this...

Clergy Anthony Venn-Brown

What is it like to discover that something you've believed all your life might be wrong? Sally Gary knew since...

Biography & Autobiography Sally Gary
And God Save Judy Garland

One year before the Little Rock Nine bravely endured threats of violence and death to integrate Central High School, Randy...

Biography & Autobiography Randy Eddy-McCain
Being Gay, Being Christian

Is it possible to be both gay and Christian? This book explains, calmly and logically, that the two are not...

Religion Stuart Edser
Bible, Gender, Sexuality

In Bible, Gender, Sexuality James Brownson argues that Christians should reconsider whether or not the biblical strictures against same-sex relations...

Religion James V. Brownson
Boy Erased

A poignant account by a survivor of a church-supported sexual orientation conversion therapy facility that claimed to 'cure' homosexuality describes...

Biography & Autobiography Garrard Conley
Calling the Rainbow Nation Home

"This book is a journey for truth."-Samuel Kader Sr., Pastor, Community Gospel Church, Dayton, Ohio, Openly Gay, Openly Christian, Leyland...

Biography & Autobiography E. Sundby
Changing Our Mind

"Every generation has its hot-button issue," writes David P. Gushee, "For us, it's the LGBT issue." In Changing Our Mind,...

Bisexuality David P. Gushee
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality

John Boswell’s National Book Award–winning study of the history of attitudes toward homosexuality in the early Christian West was a...

Social Science John Boswell
Confronting Religious Denial of Gay Marriage

Writing in part for secular humanists, non-Christians, and ex-Christians, Wallace locates the beginning of religious vilification of LBGTQ Americans: these...

Religion Catherine M. Wallace
Gay, Straight, and the Reason why

What causes a child to grow up gay or straight? In this book, neuroscientist Simon LeVay summarizes a wealth of...

Family & Relationships Simon LeVay
Generous Spaciousness

Committed Christians may respond differently to gay and lesbian Christians. How can we engage those with whom we might disagree...

Religion Wendy VanderWal-Gritter
God and the Gay Christian

“God and the Gay Christian is a game changer. Winsome, accessible, and carefully researched, every page is brought to life...

Religion Matthew Vines
Homoeroticism in the Biblical World

Nissinen's award-winning book surveys attitudes in the ancient world toward homoeroticism, that is, erotic same-sex relations. Focusing on the Bible...

Religion Martti Nissinen

If the Bible isn't a science book, instruction manual, or position paper, then what is it? New York Times bestselling...

Religion Rachel Held Evans
Just Love

In a pathbreaking exploration of sexual ethics, Farley--who is highly regarded by her peers on both the right and the...

Religion Margaret Farley
Listening to Sexual Minorities

For sexual minority students on Christian college campuses, faith and sexuality can feel in acute tension. Yarhouse, Dean, Stratton, and...

Religion Mark A. Yarhouse
Love Is an Orientation

When three of Andrew Marin's friends came out to him in the span of three months, he was confronted head-on...

Religion Andrew Marin
Making Love Just

"These days sexual sin is far less about sex and far more about the misuse of power and exploitation of...

Religion Marvin M. Ellison
Marriage, a History

An analysis of the institution of marriage detailing how marriages have evolved from loveless unions to their current state, in...

History Stephanie Coontz
Modern Kinship

Same-sex marriage may be legal in America, but it's still far from the accepted norm, especially in Christian circles. So...

Family & Relationships David Khalaf
Mom, I’m Gay

When your child reveals that he or she is attracted to the same sex, how you respond may have a...

Family & Relationships Susan Cottrell
My Exodus

In My Exodus Alan Chambers, the former president of Exodus International, shares his own story of same-sex attraction, his closing...

Biography & Autobiography Alan Chambers
Oriented to Faith

Rather than embracing the conflict around gay relationships as an opportunity for the church to talk honestly about human sexuality,...

Religion Tim Otto
Our Lives Matter

Our Lives Matter uses the tenor of the 2014 national protests that emerged as a response to excessive police force...

Religion Pamela R. Lightsey
Our Witness

'I have met thousands of LGBT+ Christians around the world, and have witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit moving...

Biography & Autobiography Brandan Robertson