Showing 1-30 of 35 Books
A Bigger Table
No one likes to eat alone; to approach a table filled with people, only to be told that despite the...
A Brief Guide to Ministry with LGBTQIA Youth
Despite our best efforts to create welcoming and affirming congregations, the reality is that church can still be a harmful...
A Letter to My Congregation, Second Edition
"A breakthrough work coming from the heart of evangelical Christianity," writes theologian David Gushee. "Wilson shows how God has led...
Being Gay, Being Christian
Is it possible to be both gay and Christian? This book explains, calmly and logically, that the two are not...
Bible, Gender, Sexuality
In Bible, Gender, Sexuality James Brownson argues that Christians should reconsider whether or not the biblical strictures against same-sex relations...
Confronting Religious Denial of Gay Marriage
Writing in part for secular humanists, non-Christians, and ex-Christians, Wallace locates the beginning of religious vilification of LBGTQ Americans: these...
Generous Spaciousness
Committed Christians may respond differently to gay and lesbian Christians. How can we engage those with whom we might disagree...
God and the Gay Christian
“God and the Gay Christian is a game changer. Winsome, accessible, and carefully researched, every page is brought to life...
Homoeroticism in the Biblical World
Nissinen's award-winning book surveys attitudes in the ancient world toward homoeroticism, that is, erotic same-sex relations. Focusing on the Bible...
If the Bible isn't a science book, instruction manual, or position paper, then what is it? New York Times bestselling...
Just Love
In a pathbreaking exploration of sexual ethics, Farley--who is highly regarded by her peers on both the right and the...
Listening to Sexual Minorities
For sexual minority students on Christian college campuses, faith and sexuality can feel in acute tension. Yarhouse, Dean, Stratton, and...
Love Is an Orientation
When three of Andrew Marin's friends came out to him in the span of three months, he was confronted head-on...
Making Love Just
"These days sexual sin is far less about sex and far more about the misuse of power and exploitation of...
Oriented to Faith
Rather than embracing the conflict around gay relationships as an opportunity for the church to talk honestly about human sexuality,...
Our Lives Matter
Our Lives Matter uses the tenor of the 2014 national protests that emerged as a response to excessive police force...
Queer Virtue
LGBTQ people are a gift to the Church and have the potential to revitalize Christianity. As an openly lesbian Episcopal...
Retreating Forward
Transgender people are among the most marginalized and vulnerable populations in the world. Misinformation, lack of education, and lack of...
Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships
"When it comes to same-sex relationships, there is one thing we cannot forget--people," says Karen Keen. In this cogent book...
Sex and the Single Savior
Probing into numerous questions about gender and sexuality, Dale Martin delves into the biblical texts anew and unearths surprising findings....
Sex Difference in Christian Theology
Charts a faithful theological middle coursethrough complex sexual issuesHow different are men and women? When does it matter to us...
Sexual Virtue
Uses virtue ethics to offer a sexual ethics inclusive of LGBT and straight people, one that challenges the longstanding procreative...
Raw, intimate, and timely, Nadia Bolz-Weber's latest book offers a full-blown overhaul of our harmful and antiquated ideas about sex,...
Space at the Table
Love does not begin with condemnation. Can an evangelical theologian and his gay son overcome the differences in belief that...
The Blue Parakeet
The Blue Parakeet is author Scot McKnight's compelling statement of how to read the Bible in a new evangelical generation....
The End of Sexual Identity
Sexual identity has become an idol in both the culture at large and in the Christian subculture. And yet concepts...
The Good Book
"The Bible and the social and moral consequences that derive from its interpretation are all too important to be left...
The Queer Bible Commentary
The Queer Bible Commentary brings together the work of several scholars and pastors known for their interest in the areas...
As a teenager and young man, Justin Lee felt deeply torn. Nicknamed "God Boy" by his peers, he knew that...
In 2014, Time magazine announced that America had reached "the transgender tipping point," suggesting that transgender issues would become the...