119: the number of words dedicated to bisexuality in the Church of England statement Issues in Human Sexuality. The words...
What is it like to discover that something you've believed all your life might be wrong? Sally Gary knew since...
And God Save Judy Garland
One year before the Little Rock Nine bravely endured threats of violence and death to integrate Central High School, Randy...
Boy Erased
A poignant account by a survivor of a church-supported sexual orientation conversion therapy facility that claimed to 'cure' homosexuality describes...
Calling the Rainbow Nation Home
"This book is a journey for truth."-Samuel Kader Sr., Pastor, Community Gospel Church, Dayton, Ohio, Openly Gay, Openly Christian, Leyland...
My Exodus
In My Exodus Alan Chambers, the former president of Exodus International, shares his own story of same-sex attraction, his closing...
Our Witness
'I have met thousands of LGBT+ Christians around the world, and have witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit moving...
"Arguably the most influential Christian of her generation" (The Guardian) Vicky Beeching chronicles her rise at the heights of Christian...